Most of Discovery's recent clients are Canadian junior mineral exploration companies, although in the past we have worked with clients such as Teck-Cominco, Inco and Minnova. Over the last few years, some of our clients/projects are as follows:
Amato Exploration Ltd |
Mexico, 43-101 report |
www.amatoexploration.com |
Aztec Metals Corp |
Mexico, 43-101 report |
Bearclaw Capital Corp |
BC, copper-gold |
www.bearclawcapital.com |
Cantex Mine Development |
Nevada, gold |
www.cantex.ca |
Cardero Resources Corp |
Argentina, gold |
www.cardero.com |
Claude Resources Inc |
Ontario & Sask., gold |
www.clauderesources.com |
Eagle Mountain Gold Corp. |
BC, base metals Chile, copper |
www.eaglemountaingoldcorp.com |
Eskay Mining Corp. |
BC, precious & base metals |
www.eskaymining.com |
Far West Mining Ltd |
Sweden, base metals |
www.farwestmining.com |
Galore Resources Inc |
BC, copper-gold NWT, uranium |
www.galoreresources.com |
Golden Predator Royalty and Development Corp. |
Nev. and Ore. 43-101 reports |
www.goldenpredator.com |
Metalex Ventures Ltd |
Ontario, base metals |
Monroe Minerals Inc |
Newfoundland and Labrador, uranium |
www.monroeminerals.com |
Nevsun Resources Ltd |
Eritrea, gold and base metals Nevada, gold |
www.nevsun.com |
OroAndes Resource Corp |
Columbia, gold |
www.oroandes.com |
Pacific Bay Minerals Ltd |
BC, molybdenum-tungsten |
www.pacificbayminerals.com |
Spanish Mountain Gold Ltd. |
BC, gold |
www.spanishmountaingold.com |
Sunrise Resources Ltd. |
BC, copper-gold |
www.sunriseresourcesltd.ca |
Taiga Consultants Ltd |
NWT and Saskatchewan, uranium Paraguay, uranium |
www.taiga-ltd.com |
Temex Resources Corp |
Ontario, base metals |
www.temexcorp.com |
Texas T Minerals Inc |
Chile, gold and copper |
Wallbridge Mining Company |
BC, copper |
www.wallbridgemining.com |
Wealth Minerals Ltd |
Argentina, uranium BC, gold |
www.wealthminerals.com |

Photo Source Note:The historical gold panning image featured throughout this site is from a book entitled ‘The Klondike Stampede of 1897-1898’ by Edwin Tappan Adney. With permission, the photo has been provided to us by Yukon Archives, Tappan Adney fonds, courtesy of the Department of Rare Books and Special Collections, McGill University Libraries, 81/9 #124. To visit the Yukon Archives website, please click here.