side shadow image on mineral exploration consulting website
Discovery Consultants - A Corporate Partnership logo Mineral Exploration Consultants can collect data on rocks like this image to determine mineral content
Top frame image for text about Gold Prospecting and Geophysical Land Surveys side frame image for text about minerals exploration and geochemical surveying


This page outlines all of the content on our website to help you find the information that you are looking for!

  1. Home
  2. - An overview of who we are, what we do, and information about our company

  3. People
  4. - Meet our geocientists, geologists, staff and crew ...and learn about their qualifications and expertise

  5. Services
  6. - Information about the many services we provide
    Learn more about the Uses of Heavy Minerals in Mineral Exploration

  7. Projects
  8. - Find out about our company experience and the projects around the world that we're working on
    Visit the Discovery Gallery on the Projects page to view a collection of photos from some of our worldwide mineral exploration projects.

  9. Links
  10. - Meet some of the clients that we've been working for during the past few years.

  11. Information Protection Policy
  12. - Our Privacy Policy states how we handle your information.

  13. Terms & Conditions
  14. - Terms of Use of our website and other important information.

  15. Contact Us
  16. - Our phone, fax, cellphone numbers, as well as our email, courier, and mailing addresses.
    We also have a web form that you can use to send us feedback, ask questions, provide details or get specific information.

side frame image for text about discovering minerals on your land or property
Gold prospecting bottom frame image for text about geologists surveying property for gold copper base metals
side shadow image for - Geology Land Studies by Geoscientists